Monday, June 7, 2010

So since I joined the Y on Wednesday, I worked out Wed/Thurs. I was obviously extremely sore after Thursday, but a good sore of course. My parents were going out of town this weekend, so I was told that if I had their yard sale for them then I could keep the money! I was all on board for this idea :) So, Molly and I spent Thursday afternoon/Friday night pricing everything and setting it out under the carport. Going to bed at 4:30 Friday night/Saturday morning and then waking up at 6:30 for the yard sale was tough-believe me! We worked all morning in the BLAZING sun. I decided I pretty much got a work-out in Saturday too because of how much I sweat. As the day went on, we were all about making a customer a "deal"-just to get rid of it! Sold one lady something for $.30. haha! Molly and I had packed up everything that didn't sale, gotten it into the house, and were pulling out of the driveway at 1:30. I thought that was quite the accomplishment! Meant to take pics of the before and after, but I forgot my camera. Can't forget this important detail: $627 dollars later, I consider my sale successful! :)

This week, we have 6 girls staying at our house for work camp at church! This morning was fine with them waking up on time and being ready, but we'll see how that progresses the rest of the week! haha!

I am more than ready to get back into the gym this morning! Go at 9:30 for strength training! Woo Hoo!

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