Monday, June 28, 2010

It's Been A While

So, I know it's been forever since I last blogged. I'm sorry :( I've been all over the place lately. 2 weeks ago, I went to see Rob in Lanett with Mrs. Pat and Mary Anne. We had lots of fun and made lots of memories. Got to stop along the way to see Mrs. Pat's sister/brother-in-law and then on the way back, I got to meet her brother. It was wonderful, of course, to get to visit Rob for a couple days. He took us on a tour of Auburn and showed us lots of neat places around the town! We ate at a Cheeburger-Cheeburger (I had never been to one, but it was awesome!!) I don't get to see Rob again until we go to the beach :(, but as they say: Absence makes the heart grow Fonder!

After we got back to Hendersonville from being in Lanett, I spent the night with the Phillips, and then got up the next morning and made my trek to Louisville for the week. Got to spend the week with my wonderful brother, sister-in-law, and absolutely precious nephew! What a treat! :) We made tons of memories! We had a full week: got to visit the splash park at the Louisville Zoo, did Jillian's 30-day shred videos with Liz, went swimming in Mr. Jay's pool, hung out with some of their friends, taught Davis how to blow bubbles, and SO much more! I could go on and on about how incredibly cute he is and how he is the sweetest most precious child in the whole world, but I'm sure those of you reading this already know that! haha. Davis Walker is truly a joy to so many people's lives! I am very grateful to be his Lala!

Left Louisville Friday morning and got to stop in Nashville to eat lunch with Shaunda and Kayleign. It was good to be able to visit with them for a bit-I sure do miss them being around! I then made my way to Hendersonville to pick up Morgan to go to Wes and Marcy's wedding Friday night. We got ready and made our way to the chapel. What a beautiful wedding, bride, bridesmaids, etc! Marcy looked absolutely breathtaking! So happy for their new life together :) It was good to be able to visit with some friends from school that I hadn't seen in a while. Also found out that the one and only Lindsey Jenkins McPherson is an avid reader of my blog. I was super pumped to hear about that! Hope she is proud of her shout out! haha. Got to spend the night with Ginny and her parents in the hotel Friday night and then spent the day with Ginny in Cool Springs.

Went to see Grown-Ups last night...wasn't impressed at all :/

Back to the Y this morning for 45 minutes of strengh training then 30 on the eliptical! Gotta get back on my routine!

P.S. Still waiting to hear what grade I will be teaching! Lots to do and so little time already to do it all in.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're blogging again. It's always nice to know what's going on in friends' lives. Thanks for the shout out! :)
