Saturday, October 2, 2010

Finally Fall Break

FINALLY! I needed this break so bad! The past 9 weeks, teaching 4th grade has been an absolute learning experience! Not only tons and tons of things about being a teacher, but so many things about myself too. I have learned that if I don't let myself feel overwhelmed I can get a lot more done. I have learned that attitude goes a long way. Don't sweat the small stuff, life is too short.

I started my break Friday after school was over by getting into Vicki the Volvo to find that she wouldn't start. My trip to Henderson to get Rob and Mary Anne was already off to a late start. After about 30ish minutes later, Mr. David (our custodian) at school, got my car jumped off. I drove straight home to swap cars with my mom. No complaints there-the Edge is bigger, nicer, and all of the above! We got to Starkville about 9, and I was in bed asleep before 10:00. Swollen lymph nodes, fluid on the ear, and swollen tonsils don't make a person feel too great. Hopefully antibiotics + whatever else they gave me will = back to normal.

Go Dawgs! Early game this week @ 11:00! Tailgating with breakfast was pretty awesome! The morning was pretty chilly, but not to be confused with the rest of the afternoon at the game. My face and arms are no less than CRISPY. The sun blazed down on us the entire game! Alcorn State didn't have much to bring to the table except their half time show. Show is an understatement at that. "My kinda band" was my text to my mom. She replied with "I know what that means coming from you. Lots of booty shakin". She knows me so well! HA!

Fall Break is off to a perfect start, and I feel confident the rest of it will be just the same!

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