Monday, September 20, 2010

Sorry for the delay :(

Where to start? The last time I blogged was July 3, and SOOoooo much has gone on since then, I don't know where to start. I guess I'll just start wherever my brain is right now.

We've officially been in school for 7 weeks now. I can't believe it! It has absolutely flown by, I can only imagine how fast the next 29 years will go by. The start of the year was not so smooth for me. I tend to prefer things to be in order, or quickly get that way. That was not the case when I started teaching. It has taken me a long time to get in the swing of things, and actually feel like I can enjoy my job. It is *SO* much better now than I ever thought it could be after the first week, but especially the first day. Thank goodness! I absolutely love each and every one of my students. Each one is completely different from the others. They all have different personalities, strengths, and weaknesses. The keep me on my toes, and we usually have fun together! Hopefully I am teaching them something too :) The people I work with are absolutely to die for! I could not ask for better co-workers.

Well, football season is off to another start and that means weekends in Starkville have started too! I love every weekend that we get the opportunity to go to Starkville to make more memories with all the Phillips'. So many good times and many more to come :)

Still praying, praying, praying for Walker/Liz/Davis. Big decisions can really be trying. I know they will be guided to make the best decision for them and their family. They are a wonderful growing family of God. I know they will be servants wherever they are.

God is so good! WDCC has been blessed with a new preacher (Ricky & Kim Burse). Things have been looking up since they have been with us, and what a great thing that is. The blessings that God has allowed me to experience are just innumerable. Each day driving to school on 104, I think about all of my blessings and how awesome God is-it sure does get my day off to a great start. Sunrises and sunsets are two of the most beautiful things that God created for us to enjoy. I am convinced that He created those to give us another opportunity to acknowledge His greatness.

I pray that I can be a shining light to at least one person everyday. I pray that I can be an encouragement to those people that need encouraging. Galatians 6:2 Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

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