Monday, December 13, 2010

The Lord has a will...

I know that I've been the worst "blogger" ever, but it's therapeutic for me to write about some things...this is one of those.

Teaching 4th grade has been every bit of a learning experience. I never dreamed that being an educator would put this much stress or pressure on my life in such a short period of time. I just feel like I am working as hard as I can humanly work and working toward a goal that is completely unattainable. I know that sounds absolutely terrible, but I'm being completely honest. That is just how I feel. I cannot continue to feel this amount of stress and discouragement and still live a healthy life. I do realize that some of this could come from being a rookie at the job, but talking with other teachers lets me know that so much of it never goes away. Don't get me wrong, I love my students, and I want more than anything for every one of them to be successful, but again I am only ONE person.

All of this goes to say that I am weighing a HUGE decision, and need every prayer that I can get. I am trusting that God will lead me to the right decision for me and my future. Please pray that His will is made clear to me. My life's desire is to be pleasing to Him, and I have faith that He will guide me to the right decision. Thank you ahead of time for your prayers.