Saturday, July 3, 2010

Newbern Grammar School

Well, I've finally found out! I will be teaching 4th grade at Newbern Grammar School. It's about 10ish minutes from my house, so not bad at all! The school is actually the one that Maw (my grandmother) and Aunt Nell graduated from high school in-pretty crazy! I'm getting really excited to be able to prepare everything. I get to go up on Tuesday and meet my principal (Mrs. Jackson) and see my room, the school, etc. So thankful to finally know :)

I still cannot believe that I am old enough to have a full time job-especially one that requires that I keep up with 20+ kids all day! I just don't feel like this is real yet, but I know that will come to a reality a lot sooner than I think. I only have about a week and a half to work before I leave and won't be back until new teacher orientation, so lots has to be done! Any thoughts, ideas, tips, etc are GREATLY appreciated! Prayers too!